Erin Ferrone

HomeArticles by: Erin Ferrone

Erin Ferrone


What inspired you to become a teacher, and what do you enjoy most about teaching your subject?

My inspiration to be a teacher comes from all the positive experiences I had as a student with my teachers and mentors growing up. My mother worked in education for 35+ years where I also gained an admiration and passion in working with youth. As I continue to grow in this field, the most enjoyable part of being a teacher so far is seeing the students achieve their goals in their respective subjects and supporting them through every step.

What are some of your hobbies or interests outside of the classroom?

In my free time I enjoy spending time outdoors, watching sports, reading, and spending time with family and friends.

What was your favorite subject in school and why?

My favorite subjects throughout school were Writing and Literature. I always enjoyed reading and learning about the different genres of literature and the history that comes with it. I also really love the creativity and expression that my writing courses instilled in me as a student, as well as the prep courses that prepared me for college level academic papers.

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