Ingrid Moon

HomeArticles by: Ingrid Moon

What inspired you to become a teacher, and what do you enjoy most about teaching your subject?

What I enjoy most about teaching is the interaction with the students. I love to get to know my students, adapt learning to their interests and needs, and push them to excel out of their comfort zones. I also love to inspire students to think about their place in the natural world, and how we, as human beings, regardless of ideology or other social constructs, can make our world a better place for everyone.

What are some of your hobbies or interests outside of the classroom?

Outside of the classroom, I write books and edit other people’s books. This might sound like work but it is what I love as much as teaching. I also do backyard science and astronomy, and I am always learning more about our world. I raise baby squirrels to be released to the wild. I also love camping in the wilderness, and reading science fiction and fantasy books when I have time.

What was your favorite subject in school and why?

I didn’t have a favorite subject until middle school, when my 8th grade science teacher made learning so much fun that I decided to take four years of science in high school. Back then, only Sophomores took Biology, so I was the only Freshman in the class. Biology and Physics were my favorites. I went on to study physics for engineers in college, even though my major was film & TV production. I was also in journalism in high school, which appealed to my inherent need to write, and that was also a blast.

Anything else we should know about you?

I’ve helped students send several experiments to the International Space Station, to be conducted by astronauts there. I’ve summited Mt. Kilimanjaro and many other mountains. And I have three books published, and will have two more before the end of the year. Never, ever stop learning and getting better at your favorite things, whether that’s a craft, a life goal, or anything.