Megan Monroe

HomeArticles by: Megan Monroe

What inspired you to become a teacher, and what do you enjoy most about teaching your subject?

I never really planned on becoming a teacher, but my mom always had a suspicion that I would become one. After graduating college, I was offered a teaching position abroad. I jumped at this opportunity to get out and into the world, and found one of my callings.

This year, I am teaching English Language Arts 9 and 11, Ethnic Studies, and Theater I. I enjoy teaching all of these subjects because they provide students with valuable critical thinking and socio-emotional skills.

What are some of your hobbies or interests outside of the classroom?

If I’m not at my desk, I am more than likely dancing, exploring the great outdoors, and/or perfecting recipes in the kitchen. I am also working on writing a book this year.

What was your favorite subject in school and why?

When I was in school, I enjoyed English Language Arts because I was successful with it. I also really enjoyed my Film History class, Psychology, and the elusive ~Shakespeare and Science Fiction~ course.

Anything else we should know about you?

I’ve worked with Pre-K through Postgraduate students. My most unique teaching experience was working abroad in China.

When I grow up more, I would like to professionally pursue my creative ventures, as well as explore the field of expressive arts therapy.