Sarah Hawley

HomeArticles by: Sarah Hawley

Sarah Hawley


What inspired you to become a teacher, and what do you enjoy most about teaching your subject?

I have always had great curiosity about the world and the things in it. I love reading about new places and learning how things came to be the way they are. The best part about being a teacher is being there when a child learns something new or a new way to do something old!

What are some of your hobbies or interests outside of the classroom?

Outside of school, I love spending time with my family especially traveling and enjoying family meals. I love to cook, read, and write. I enjoy being outdoors, riding horses, and doing yoga. In addition to teaching in the classroom, I also teach yoga to both adults and children.

What was your favorite subject in school and why?

As a child, my favorite subject was social studies. I found it amazing to learn about people and places far away both geographically and in time.