Sue Earl-Lynn

HomeArticles by: Sue Earl-Lynn

Sue Earl-Lynn


What inspired you to become a teacher, and what do you enjoy most about teaching your subject?

I struggled as a student and I had a few teachers who really sparked my love of learning, and gave me the confidence to push through and succeed. I love teaching Leadership because we are all leaders and it is fun to help students find their style of leadership.

I enjoy teaching history because it is story telling at it’s best. I love learning about different cultures and the people that played a part of creating the stories we learn about.

What are some of your hobbies or interests outside of the classroom?

I am an avid hiker and can’t fall asleep without reading. I like to cook and bake but really enjoy when someone else cooks or bakes for me ๐Ÿ™‚

What was your favorite subject in school and why?

History, because I loved a good story.

Anything else we should know about you?

I love getting to know my students and enjoy talking about what interests them.