Semester 1 registration begins July 1st!

Visual Arts 2

9, 10, 11, 12
(live virtual)
10:00 am - 12:00 pm PST

Visual Arts 2

Courses Overview

Visual Arts 2 builds upon the foundational concepts and skills learned in the first year while aligning with the Common Core Standard. Students will continue to explore various media and art techniques. They will continue focusing on five components of the standards: artistic perception, creative expression, historical and cultural context, aesthetic valuing and connections, and relationships and applications. While combining studio work and art history, students gain a deeper understanding of the impact of visual arts on society and culture. They analyze and interpret works of art from different periods and cultures. Students apply the conventions of art criticism and engage in reflective practices to refine their artistic voice and style.

*A-G credit may be earned for Blue Ridge and Heartland students. We recommend other students check with their school regarding A-G credit.

Live classes meet for two hours per week and students complete independent work outside of regular class time.


acrylic paints, 11×14 canvases-6, sketchbook, colored pencils, watercolor markers, black fine-point Sharpies

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